The Foundations Downloadable Workshop Series
Each of the four Foundation classes in this series is designed to facilitate a transformative frequency in each participant so they can progress into more advanced and higher teachings.
Each module builds upon the previous sessions. A message from The Galactics along with a guided meditation to anchor the teaching are included in every module.
Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions in a 1 hour live group session with Susan after completing the series.
Week 1: Connecting to the Inner/Higher Realms
In this workshop we will cover:
*Releasing lower frequency individuals and memories
*Dealing with 4D frequencies in the body
*Galactic connections in the DNA
*Expanding the Light Body to create the New Earth
​Week 2: Higher Consciousness Healing
In this workshop we will cover:
*The Galactic/Ancestral connection to healing in the present
*The role of Human Bloodlines and Cosmic Ancestry in healing
*How healing facilitates the evolution of ascension
*Expected changes in consciousness as a result of healing​
Week 3: Navigating Change from a Spiritual Perspective
In this workshop we will cover:
*Spiritual purpose for seemingly negative change events
*Frequency impacts of upheaval on physical/non-physical bodies
*Maintaining higher positive frequencies during rapidly changing times
*Remaining harmless to self and others while moving through change​
Week 4: The Love Connection
In this workshop we will cover:
*Love as the secret ingredient to ascension
*Creating the New Earth through Love frequencies
*Establishing a Love connection with the Soul/ Creator/Source
*Expressing and attracting Love from a higher perspective​
Tuition: $125 Includes:
All 4 Instruction Modules, Meditations and Messages from The Galactics
Video Links Provided Upon Enrollment ​