Dream and Symbol

Meditations & Intuitive Informati​on

Manifesti​ng, Relationships, Spiritual Development, Ascension

Healing Self and Others

Meet me at the Higher Consciousness Café
Join me each month for interactive sessions on a full range of topics. Meetings at the "Higher Consciousness Café" will take place over Zoom, so you never have to leave your home. Meetings are open to anyone with a desire to expand their knowledge with a group of individuals looking to move into higher consciousness.
~Dream interpretation - bring a dream for Susan to interpret
~Dream Interpretation - learn to interpret dream symbols for yourself
~Tips and techniques to expand increase your intuition
~Manifesting tips and techniques
~Living and working with spiritually gifted children
~How to manage and improve relationships
~Spiritual development skills
~Ascension preparation
~Living in the now while creating the future
~Practical life skills in 4th and 5th dimension
~Working with higher beings and your Higher Self
~Healing Self and Others
~Answers to your questions (on any topic)
Meetings will be held live on Zoom:
1st Monday of Each Month
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm mountain time
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm eastern time
Meeting fee: FREE
You must be on camera to attend
To register, Contact Susan:susanzummo@gmail.com
Join link emailed prior to each meeting